Blackrystal CKC Reg'd
Manchester Terriers
Past stars
These are the dogs that have been shown and now retired, as well as the ones that have contributed to Blackrystal Manchesters breeding program and now retired. There are some very special souls that are not Manchesters and Manchesters that excel at being pets. All of them hold a special place in my heart even if they have moved on to new families.
Outstanding Companions
Blackrystal Warrior Princess Zelda lives in Winnipeg
Blackrystal Calamity Jane CJ lives with her brother Mikey (Ch Blackrystal Devil Wears Spurs) in Sycamose, BC
Blackrystal Painted Lady J'bel lives with her momma Pickles with a great family in Cochrane, AB
Gone But Not Forgotten and Other Breeds
Jumpstart Little Buckaroo My very first Manchester July 2000-Dec 2012
Am Can Ch Pirouette's Tristam Du Coeur FAST VG TT Amstaff ambassador August 1998 - August 2009
Am Can Ch Diavolino's Iginla
Ch Diavolino's Shimmer April 2003 - February 2019
Breeding for Quality & Health
Calgary, Alberta, Canada